IL PRESIDENTE - Viliberto Stocchi


Presidente Europe Direct Marche Carrefour Europeo, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”

Pro Rettore alla Ricerca e ai Rapporti Internazionali, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”

Preside della Facoltà di Scienze Motorie, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”

Direttore del Centro di Biochimica delle Proteine, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”



Il Prof. Vilberto Stocchi nato ad Apecchio (PS) il 15.4.1954 si è laureato in Scienze Biologiche presso l'Università di Urbino il 23.6.1977 con punti 110 su 110 e lode. Dopo aver superato il giudizio di idoneità a Professore Associato nella prima tornata (rag. 126 prima disciplina: Chimica Biologica) il 2.5.1983 è stato chiamato dalla Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino, come Professore Associato di Biologia Molecolare. Dall'anno 1977 al 1997 ha fatto parte del corpo docente della Scuola Speciale per Tecnici di Analisi di Laboratorio dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino. Dall'anno 1979 al 2000 è stato Professore incaricato di "Igiene della Scuola e degli Sports" presso l'Istituto Superiore Pareggiato di Educazione Fisica dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino.

Nel Febbraio 1980 ha frequentato un training course sull'analisi degli amino acidi a Cambridge (UK). Nel Luglio 1980 ha partecipato al FEBS-Advanced Course No.61 su "Modern Micromethods of Protein Sequencing" a Praga.

Dal 2 Ottobre 1986 il Prof. Stocchi è stato invitato a collaborare come Referee del Journal of Chromatography.

Dal Maggio all'Agosto 1987 il Prof. Stocchi è stato negli U.S.A dove ha tenuto su invito seminari su "Methods for the analysis of amino acids sequencing studies of proteins and peptides at picomole levels" e "Determination of Adenine and Pyridine Nucleotides in Human Red Blood Cells" presso i "Spring House Laboratories", Philadelphia e presso i "Supelco Research Laboratories", State College. Altri seminari o lectures, su metodi HPLC sviluppati nell'Istituto di Chimica Biologica dell'Università di Urbino, sono stati tenuti, su invito, dal Prof. Stocchi presso l'Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione, Roma e presso l'Istituto Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri", Milano e al "Eighth International Symposium on HPLC of Proteins, Peptides, and Polynucleotides", Copenhagen, 31 Ottobre-2 Novembre, 1988.

Nel Novembre 1989 ha tenuto, su invito, un seminario al Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, e un altro al Wistar Institute of Philadelphia.

Il Prof. Stocchi dal Novembre 1990 al 2000 è stato professore straordinario di Biochimica Applicata e professore di Biologia Molecolare presso la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali dell'Università di Urbino.

Il Prof. Stocchi dal Novembre 1993 al 2000 è stato professore ordinario di Biochimica Applicata e professore di Biologia Molecolare presso la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali dell'Università di Urbino.

E' socio della Società Italiana di Biochimica, della International Biochemistry Society, della Biochemical Society e della Protein Society.

Dal 1993 il Prof. Stocchi è stato invitato a far parte della prestigiosa New York Academy of Sciences.

Dal 1992 il Prof. Vilberto Stocchi è coordinatore del Progetto Strategico del CNR "Biotecnologia della Micorrizazione".

Dal 1992 il Prof. Stocchi è Direttore del Centro di Biochimica delle Proteine dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino e Direttore della Scuola Nazionale di Scienza delle Proteine del Gruppo Struttura e Funzione delle Proteine della Società Italiana di Biochimica.

Dal 1 Novembre 1994 al 30 Ottobre 1997 il Prof. Stocchi ha diretto l’Istituto di Chimica Biologica “Giorgio Fornaini” della Facoltà di Farmacia e della Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali dell'Università di Urbino.

Durante il biennio 1993/1994 il Prof. Stocchi è stato membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’Università di Urbino come rappresentante dei Professori Ordinari.

Dal 1 Novembre 1996 al 2000 il Prof. Vilberto Stocchi è stato Direttore dell’Istituto di Educazione Fisica (I.S.E.F) di Urbino e Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione.

Dal Gennaio 1999 il Prof. Vilberto Stocchi è Presidente del CARREFOUR istituito dalla Commissione dell’Unione Europea presso l’Università di Urbino.

Il Prof. Vilberto Stocchi ha fatto parte della Commissione istituita dal Ministro della Ricerca Scientifica e dell’Università per la trasformazione degli ISEF in Facoltà di Scienze Motorie.
Dal Giugno 1999 il Prof. Vilberto Stocchi è Presidente del Comitato Tecnico della Facoltà di Scienze Motorie dell’Università di Urbino.

Dal Novembre 2002 il Prof. Stocchi è Professore Ordinario di Chimica Biologica presso la Facoltà di Scienze Motorie dell'Università di Urbino.

L'attività scientifica del Prof. Vilberto Stocchi è documentata da oltre 170 lavori su riviste scientifiche internazionali e da oltre 140 partecipazioni a Congressi.





1. V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, M. Bossù, G. Fornaini. Modification of the radioactive method for the erythrocyte galactokinase assay. Clin. Chim. Acta 89, 371-374, 1978.

2. G. Fornaini, M. Magnani, M. Dachà, M. Bossù, V. Stocchi. Relationship between glucose phosphorylating activities and erythrocyte age. Mech. Ageing Dev. 8, 249-256, 1978.

3. G. Fornaini, A. Accorsi, A. Fazi, V. Stocchi. Rapporto tra metabolismo eritrocitario e attività fisica. Atletica Studi 10/11/12, 49-63, 1978.

4. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, N. Luminati, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Physiological and pathological behaviour of red cells galactokinase. Ital. J. Biochem. 28, 76-78, 1979.

5. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, P. Ninfali, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Purification and some properties of rabbit erythrocyte hexokinase. Ital. J. Biochem. 28, 145-147, 1979.

6. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Bossù, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Decay pattern of rabbit erythrocyte hexokinase in cell aging. Mech. Ageing Dev. 11, 209-217, 1979.

7. M. Magnani, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi, M. Bossù, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Comparative studies of galactokinase activity on mammal’s red blood cells. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 64B, 267-271, 1979.

8. G.Fornaini, M. Dachà, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi. Glucose phosphorylating activites and erythrocyte age. Bull. Mol. Biol. Med. 4, 37-46, 1979.

9. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, P. Ninfali, M. Dachà, M. Bossù, G. Fornaini. Molecular modifications of hexokinase during red blood cell life-span. Bull. Mol. Biol. Med. 4, 90-99, 1979.

10. M. Magnani, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi, M. Bossù, M. Dachà. Erythrocytes of different ages: a new method of “in vivo” preparation. Biochem. Exp. Biol. XVI, 1, 13-18, 1980.

11. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, P. Ninfali, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Regulation of hexokinase by reduced and oxidized glutathione. Ital. J. Biochem. 29, 228-229, 1980.

12. M. Magnani, M. Dachà, V. Stocchi, P. Ninfali, G. Fornaini. Rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. Purification and properties. J. Biol. Chem. 255, 1752-1756, 1980.

13. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, P. Ninfali, M. Dachà. Studies on the use of sepharose-N-aminohexanoyl-glucosamine for purification of rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. J. Solid-Phase Biochem. 5, 11-18, 1980.

14. P. Ninfali, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà. Spectrophotometric analysis of interferences due to polyols in the assay of protein by Lowry’s method. Analyst, 10, 285-288, 1980.

15. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, P. Ninfali, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Action of oxidized and reduced glutathione on rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 615, 113-120, 1980.

16. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, F. Canestrari, G. Fornaini. Hexokinase isozymic pattern during red cell aging. FEBS Letters 120, 264- 266, 1980.

17. P. Ninfali, M. Magnani, M. Dachà, V. Stocchi, G. Fornaini. Rabbit erythrocyte hexokinase: Studies on the kinetic mechanisms. Biochem. Int. 1, 574-583, 1980.

18. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, F. Canestrari, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. Evidence for two distinct forms, and their purification and characterization from reticulocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 256, 7856-7862, 1981.

19. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, F. Canestrari, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Multiple hexokinase forms red blood cells. Identification and separation. Ital. J. Biochem. 30, 169-170, 1981.

20. L. Cucchiarini, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Galactokinase from adult and fetal human erythrocytes. Ital. J. Biochem. 30, 503-504, 1981.

21. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Action of orthophosphate on rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. Ital. J. Biochem. 30, 217-228, 1981.

22. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, G.G. Conḍ, A. Bertollini, E. Antonini. Intracellular distribution of organic phosphates in the rabbit erythrocyte and action on rabbit erythrocyte and action on rabbit erythrocytes hexokinase. Ital. J. Biochem. 31, 419-427, 1982.

23. V. Stocchi, A. Stulzini, M. Magnani. Chromatographic fractionation of multiple forms of red blood cell hexokinase. J. Chrom. 237, 330-335, 1982.

24. M. Magnani, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Adult and fetal galactokinases in human red blood cells. Mech. Ageing Dev. 18, 215-223, 1982.

25. M. Magnani, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi, O. Stocchi, G. Carnevali, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Human erythrocyte galactokinase: A population survey. Hum. Hered. 32, 274-279, 1982.

26. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, F. Canestrari, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Multiple forms of human red blood cell hexokinase. Preparation, characterization, and age dependence. J. Biol. Chem. 257,2357-2364, 1982.

27. M. Magnani, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi, M. Bossù, M. Dachà. Solubilization, purification and properties of rabbit brain hexokinase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 216, 449-454, 1982.

28. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, F. Canestrari, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Multiple forms of hexokinase in mammalian red blood cells. Biochem. Int. 4, 673-677, 1982.

29. G. Fornaini, M. Dachà, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi. Molecular forms of red blood cell hexokinase. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 49, 129-142, 1982.

30. M. Magnani, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà. Red blood cell galactokinase activity and presenile catarats. Enzyme 29, 58-60, 1982.

31. G. Fornaini, M. Dachà, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi. Hexokinase from rabbit red blood cells. Methods in Enzymology 90, 3-10, 1982.

32. F. Canestrari, U. Dachà, R. Giacchi, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, F. Palma, G. Piacentini, M. Dachà. Relationship between erythrocyte hexokinase in cancer patients and red cell age. Tumori 69, 89-93, 1983.

33. M. Magnani, S. Bonfigli, F. Canestrari, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Red blood cell hexokinase in tumor bearing mice. Tumori 69: 201-204, 1983.

34. G. Novelli, M. Grieco, M. Migliaccio, V. Stocchi. Adattamenti biochimici all’esercizio fisico: metabolismo anaerobico. Quaderni di Cinesiologia, Vol. XIII, 9-19, 1983.

35. Laguardia, N. Serafini, V. Stocchi. Adattamenti biochimici all’esercizio fisico prolungato: metabolismo aerobico. Quaderni di Cinesiologia Vol. XIII, 33-48, 1983.

36. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, E. Piatti, M. Dachà, B. Dallapiccola, G. Fornaini. Red blood cell glucose metabolism in trisomy 10p: Possible role of hexokinase in the erythrocytes. Blood 61, 915-919, 1983.

37. M. Magnani, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà. Red blood cell galactokinase activity and presenile cataracts. Enzyme 29, 58-60, 1983.

38. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, G. Novelli, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Pig red blood cell hexokinase: Evidence for the presence of hexokinase types II and III, and their purification and characteriwation. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 226, 365-376, 1983.

39. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, N. Serafini, E. Piatti, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Pig red blood cell hexokinase: regulatory characteristics and possible physiological role. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 226, 377-387, 1983.

40. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. Mechanisms of decay during cell life-span. Biomed. Biochim. Acta 42, S311-S316, 1983.

41. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, G. Serafini, M. Bossù. Effects of buffers and pH on rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. Ital. J. Biochem. 32, 28-35, 1983.

42. M. Magnani, E. Piatti, V. Stocchi, N. Serafini, G. Fornaini. Comparative studies of glucose metabolism on mammalian erythrocytes. Ital. J. Biochem. 32, 264-266, 1983.

43. M. Magnani, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Purification and properties of the cytoplasmic hexokinase from rabbit brain. Ital. J. Biochem. 33, 392-402, 1984.

44. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. Evidences for an ATP-dependent decay during cell maturation. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 61, 83-92, 1984.

45. M. Magnani, G. Novelli, V. Stocchi, G. Alimena, B. Dallapiccola. Red blood cell hexokinase in Fanconi’s anemia. Acta Haemat. 71, 341-344, 1984.

46. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Regulatory properties of rabbit red blood cell hexokinase at conditions close to physiological. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 804, 145-153, 1984.

47. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Rabbit red blood cell hexokinase: intracellular distribution during reticulocytes maturation. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 63, 59-65, 1984.

48. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. A new direct radioassay for the determination of true erythrocyte hexokinase activity. Clinica Chimica Acta 143, 301-307, 1984.

49. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, L. Rossi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Hexokinase isoenzymes in rabbit blood cells. Bull. Mol. Biol. Med. 9, 9-15, 1984.

50. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Hexokinase in developing rabbit erythroid cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 802, 346-351, 1984.

51. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, A. Fazi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Relationship between the rate of erythrocyte hexose monophsphate pathway and the glucose 6-phosphate concentration. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 125, 14-17, 1984.

52. G. Fornaini, M. Magnani, A. Fazi, A. Accorsi, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà. Regulatory properties of human erythrocyte hexokinase during cell ageing. Arch.Biochem.Biophys. 239, 352-358, 1985.

53. M. Magnani, G. Novelli, V. Stocchi. Hexokinase in human chorionic villi. Early Human Dev. 11, 149-156, 1985.

54. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, F. Canestrari, M. Dachà, P. Balestri, M.A. Farnetari, D. Giorgi, A. Fois, G. Fornaini. Human erythrocyte hexokinase deficiency: a new variant with abnormal kinetic properties. Brit.J.Haematol. 61, 41-50, 1985.

55. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, L. Cucchiarini, G. Novelli, S. Lodi, L. Isa, G. Fornaini. Hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia due to a new hexokinase variant with reduced stability. Blood. 66, 690-697, 1985.

56. V. Stocchi, L. Cucchiarini, G. Piccoli, M. Magnani. Complete high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of 4-N,N dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-thiohydantoin and 4N-N dimethylaminoazobenze4sulphonyl chloride amino acids utilizing the same reversed-phase column at room temperature. J. Chromatogr. 349, 77-82, 1985.

57. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, L. Cucchiarini, G. Novelli, B. Dallapiccola. Red blood cell adenine nucleotides abnormalities in down syndrome. Am.J.Med.Genet. 20, 131-135, 1985.

58. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, L. Cucchiarini, L. Chiarantini, P. Palma, G. Crescentini. Simultaneous extraction and HPLC determination of ATP, ADP, AMP, NADP+ NADPH+, NAD+ and NADH in human red blood cells. Ital.J.Biochem. 34, 1, 29-31A, 1985.

59. F. Lungarotti, U. Dachà, R. Giacchi, F. Canestrari, M. Sebastiani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà. L'esocinasi eritrocitaria nell'adenocarcinoma differenziato. Minerva Chirurgica. 40, 577-579, 1985.

60. V. Stocchi, A. Accorsi, L. Cucchiarini, A. Fazi, M.P. Piacentini, G. Fornaini. Modification of the erythrocyte adenine and pyridine nucleotide equilibrium during high intensity physical exercise. Biochemical Aspects Physical Exercise. G.Benzi, L.Packer, N.Siliprandi eds., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 1986.

61. G. Fornaini, M. Dachà, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi. Molecular modifications of hexokinase during erythrocyte ageing. New Aspects of Biotechnological and Biomedical Research. G. Pompucci, B. Masala J.S. Chen eds., pp 93-102, The University of Sassari, 1986.

62. G. Fornaini, M. Dachà, V. Stocchi, F. Canestrari, G. Serafini, L. Chiarantini, M. Magnani. Role of hexokinase in the regulation of glucose metabolism in human erythrocytes. Ital.J.Biochem. 35, 5, 316-320, 1986.

63. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, L. Chiarantini, G. Serafini, G. Fornaini. Immunological studies on mammalian hexokinase. Ital.J.Biochem. 35, 6, 421-422, 1986.

64. M. Magnani, L. Chiarantini, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Human erythrocyte hexokinases are immunologically related. Arch.Biochem.Biophys. 245, 540-542, 1986.

65. G. Serafini, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Rat red blood cell hexokinase purification, properties and age-dependence. Mol.Cell.Biochem. 69, 179-185, 1986.

66. M. Magnani, L. Chiarantini, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Glucose metabolism in fibroblasts from patients with erythrocyte hexokinase deficiency. J.Inher.Metab.Dis. 9, 129-139, 1986.

67. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, L. Chiarantini, G. Serafini, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Rabbit red blood cell hexokinase. Decay mechanism during reticulocyte maturation. J.Biol.Chem. 261, 8327-8333, 1986.

68. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, F. Canestrari, L. Cucchiarini, O. Stocchi, G.V. Coppa, L. Felici, P.L. Giorgi, G. Fornaini. Redox and energetic state of red blood cells in G6PD deficiency, heterozygous ßthalassemia and the combination of both. Acta Haematol. 75, 211-214, 1986.

69. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, L. Cucchiarini, L. Chiarantini, G. Fornaini. Red blood cell phagocytosis and lysis following oxidative damage by phenylhydrazine. Cell. Biochem and Function. 4, 263-269, 1986.

70. G. Novelli, V. Stocchi, A. Gianotti, M. Magnani, B. Dallapiccola. Increased erythrocyte adenosine deaminase activity without haemolytic anaemia . Human Heredity. 36, 37-40, 1986.

71. O. Cantoni, P. Sestili, F. Cattabeni, V. Stocchi. Hilling followed by incubation at 37°C causes a reduction in NAD levels which can be prevented by the poly(ADP-ribose) transferase inhibitor 3aminobenzamide. FEBS Letters. 204, 266-268, 1986.

72. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, F. Canestrari, G. Piacentini, G.V. Coppa, L. Felici, P Pierani, G. Fornaini. Some age-dependent properties of erythrocyte in erythroblastopenia. Bull.Mol.Biol.Med. 12, 41-48,1987.

73. V. Stocchi, F. Canestrari, R. Giacchi, M. Sebastiani, F. Lungarotti, U. Dachà, M. Dachà. Adenine and pyridine nucleotides in the red blood cells of subjects with solid tumors. Tumori. 73, 25-28, 1987.

74. G. Fornaini, M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, M. Dachà. Cell age-dependent modifications of multiple hexokinase forms from red blood cells. Macromolecules in the functioning cell, A. Castellani, C. Balduini, P. Volpe, eds., C.N.R. Monografie Scientifiche, 155-159, 1987.

75. V. Stocchi, A. Accorsi, A. Fazi, M.P. Piacentini, L. Cucchiarini, G. Fornaini. Regulation of erythrocyte glycolytic flux in acute exercise. Advances in Myochemistry. G.Benzi ed., pp 333-342, Vol.1, John Libbey, London, 1987.

76. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, L. Chiarantini, G. Serafini, G. Fornaini. Decay mechanism of rabbit hexokinase during reticulocyte maturation. Biomed.Biochim.Acta. 46, 162-166, 1987.

77. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, G. Novelli, M. Dachà, G. Fornaini. Red blood cell glucose metabolism in Down's syndrome. Clin.Physiol.Biochem. 5, 9-14, 1987.

78. V. Stocchi, N. Kolb, L. Cucchiarini, M. Segni, M. Magnani, G. Fornaini. Adenine and pridine nucleotides during rabbit reticulocyte maturation and cell aging. Mech.Ageing. Dev. 39, 29-44, 1987.

79. V. Stocchi, L. Cucchiarini, M. Magnani, G. Fornaini. Adenine and pyridine nucleotides in the erythrocyte of different mammalian species. Biochem. Int. 14, 1043-1053, 1987.

80. V. Stocchi, L. Cucchiarini, G. Piccoli, M. Magnani. Complete HPLC separation of the DABTH- and DABS-amino acids utilizing the same reversed-phase column at room temperature. Chromatogram. 8, 2, 2-4, 1987.

81. V. Stocchi, L. Cucchiarini, F. Canestari, M.P. Piacentini, G. Fornaini. A very fast ion-pair reversed-phase HPLC method for the separation of the most significant nucleotides and their degradation products in human red blood cells. Anal.Biochem. 167, 181-190, 1987.

82. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, G. Serafini, L. Chiarantini, G. Fornaini. Purification, properties, and evidence for two subtypes of human placenta hexokinase type I. Arch. Biochem.Biophys. 260, 388-399, 1988.

83. V. Stocchi, M. Magnani, G. Piccoli, G. Fornaini. Hexokinase microheterogeneity in rabbit red blood cells and its behaviour during reticulocytes maturation. Mol.Cell.Biochem. 79, 133-136, 1988.

84. M. Magnani, L. Rossi, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi, G. Fornaini. Effect of phenylhydrazine on red blood cell metabolism. Cell.Biochem.Function. 6, 175-182, 1988.

85. M. Magnani, L. Rossi, V. Stocchi, L. Cucchiarini, G. Piacentini, G. Fornaini. Effect of age on some properties of mice erythrocytes. Mech.Ageing Dev. 42, 37-47, 1988.

86. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, G. Serafini, L. Chiarantini. Quantitation of electrophoretic eluted proteins. Ital.J.Biochem. 37, 2, 96-103, 1988.

87. M. Magnani, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi. Hexokinase type I multiplicity in human erythrocytes. Biochem.J. 254, 2, 617-620, 1988.

88. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi, G. Serafini, L. Chiarantini. The interaction of phosphorylated sugars with human hexokinase I. Bioch.Biophys.Acta. 954, 336-342, 1988.

89. M. Magnani, L. Rossi, M. Bianchi, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi. Role of hexokinase in the regulation of erythrocyte hexose monophosphate pathaway under oxidative stress. Biochim.Biophys.Res.Comm. 155, 423-428, 1988.

90. B. Dallapiccola, G. Novelli, F. Mannello, F. Palma, M. Lituania, M. Cordone, V. Stocchi. Characterization of amino acids and enzyme activities in early amniocentesis. Chorionic Villus Sampling And Early Diagnosis. Ed.A.Antsaklis and C.Metaxoton. pp. 256-261, 1989.

91. V. Stocchi, I. Testa, A. Festa, M. Clementi, P. Bagnarelli, C. Pierotti, M. Dachà. Hexokinase isozymic pattern in different human hepatoma cell lines. Ital.J.Biochem. 38(3) 292A-203A, 1989.

92. M. Magnani, L. Rossi, M. Bianchi, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi. Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic determination of 2',3'-dideoxycytidine in human blood samples. J.Chromatogr.B.A. 491, 215-220, 1989.

93. M. Magnani, M. Bianchi, L. Rossi, V. Stocchi. 2',3'-Dideoxycytidine permeation of the human erythrocyte membrane. Biochem.Int. 19,2,227-237,1989.

94. G. Marchiseppe, M. Valentino, M. Governa, V. Stocchi. Determination of total 2,5-hexanedione by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. J.Chromatogr.B.A. 495, 288-294,1989.

95. M. Magnani, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi. Effects of Ca++ and lypoxygenase inhibitors on hexokinase degradation in rabbit reticulocytes. Mol.Cell.Biochem. 85, 3-7, 1989.

96. M. Magnani, L. Rossi, M. Bianchi, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi. Human red blood cell loading with hexokinase-inactivating antibodies. An in vitro model for enzyme deficiencies. Acta Haemat. 82, 27-34, 1989.

97. V. Stocchi, G. Piccoli, M. Magnani, F. Palma, B. Biagiarelli, L. Cucchiarini. Reversed-phase HPLC separation of DABS- and DABTH-amino acids derivatives for amino acid analysis and microsequencing studies at picomole level. Anal.Biochem. 178, 107-117, 1989.

98. O. Cantoni, F. Cattabeni, V. Stocchi, R.E. Meyn, P. Cerutti, D. Murray. Hydrogen peroxide insult in cultured mammalian cells: relationship between DNA single-strand breakage and poly(ADP)-ribosylation. Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1014, 1-7, 1989.

99. M. Magnani, L. Rossi, M. Bianchi, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi. Extraction and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of 2',3'-dideoxycytidine from human blood samples. J.Chromatogr.B.A. 491, 215-220, 1989.

100. M. Magnani, M. Bianchi, L. Rossi, V. Stocchi. 2',3'-Dideoxycytidine permeation of the human erythrocyte membrane. Biochem.Int. 19,2,227-237,1989.

101. M. Magnani, M. Bianchi, L. Rossi, V. Stocchi. Human red blod cells as bioreactors for the release of 2' 3 '- dideoxycytidine, an inhibitor of HIV infectivity. Biochem.Biophys.Res.Comm. 164, 1, 446-452, 1989.

102. M. Magnani, G. Serafini, L. Chiarantini, V. Stocchi. Similarities and differences between human and rat hexokinases type I. Mol.Cell.Biochem. 94, 105-111, 1990.

103. M. Magnani, L. Rossi, M. Bianchi, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi. Red blood cell loading hexokinase and hexokinase-inactivating antibodies. A new strategy for studying the role of enzymes in red cell metabolism and removal. Biomed.Biochim.Acta 49,2/3, S149-S153, 1990.

104. M. Magnani, G. Serafini, L. Chiarantini, D. Corsi, V. Stocchi. Immunological quantification of human hexokinase type I. Clin.Chim.Acta 194, 185-192, 1990.

105. L. Chiarantini, G. Serafini, V. Stocchi, M. Magnani. Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to human hexokinase type I. Mol.Cell.Biochem. 97, 145-151,1990.

106. M. Magnani, V. Stocchi. Hexokinase: one gene or two. Blood 76, 854, 1990.

107. M. Magnani, G. Serafini, M. Bianchi, A. Casabianca, V. Stocchi. Human hexokinase type I microheterogeneity is due to different amino-terminal sequences. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 502-505, 1991.

108. A.Daniele, F. Altruda, M. Ferrone, L. Silengo, L. Chiarantini, M. Bianchi, V. Stocchi, M. Magnani. Cloning and expression of a new human polypeptide which regulates protein phosphorylation in Escherichia coli. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 107, 87-94, 1991.

109. M. Magnani, M. Bianchi, L. Rossi, V. Stocchi. Human red blood cells as bioreactors for the release of 2',3'-dideoxycytidine, an inhibitor of HIV infectivity. Advance in the Bioscience, 81, 159-167, 1991.

110. V. Stocchi, I. Testa, A. Festa, M. Clementi, P. Bagnarelli, C. Pierotti M. Dachà. Hexokinase isoenzymes in different human hepatoma-derived cell lines. Bull.Mol .Biol.Med. 16, 131-148, 1991.

111. V. Stocchi, L. Masat, B. Biagiarelli, G. Piccoli, F. Palma, L. Cucchiarini, M. Dachà. Preparative purification of pig red blood cell hexokinase type III using a new efficient chromatographic support . Prep. Biochem. 22(1) 41-51, 1992.

112. M. Magnani, M. Bianchi, A. Casabianca, V. Stocchi, A. Daniele, F. Altruda, M. Ferrone, L. Silengo. A recombinant human mini’-hexokinase is catalytically active and regulatedby hexose 6-phosphates. Biochem. J. 285, 193-199, 1992.

113. V. Stocchi, L. Masat, B. Biagiarelli, A. Accorsi, G. Piccoli, F. Palma, L. Cucchiarini, M. Dachà. High resolution of multiple forms of red blood cell enzymes using a Toyopearl DEAE 650. Prep. Biochem. 22(1) 11-40, 1992.

114. V. Stocchi, F. Palma, G. Piccoli, B. Biagiarelli, M. Magnani, L. Masat, L. Cucchiarini. Analysis of amino acids as DABS-derivatives with a sensitivity to the femtomole level using RP-HPLC narrow-bore column. Amino Acids, 3, 303-309,1992.

115. V. Stocchi, F. Palma, G. Piccoli, B. Biagiarelli, L. Cucchiarini, M. Magnani. HPLC analysis of taurine in human plasma samples using the DABS-Cl reagent with sensitivity at the picomole level. J.Liq.Chromatogr. 17,2,347-357,1994.

116. V. Stocchi, P. Cardoni, P. Ceccaroli, G. Piccoli, L. Cucchiarini, R. De Bellis M. Dachà. High resolution of multiple forms of rabbit reticulocyte hexokinase type I by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 676, 51-63, 1994.

117. V. Stocchi, B. Biagiarelli, M. Fiorani, F. Palma, G. Piccoli, L. Cucchiarini, M. Dachà. Inactivation of rabbit red blood cell hexokinase activity promoted "in vitro" by an oxygen radical generating system. Arch.Biochem.Biophys. 311,1,15,160-167, 1994.

118. G. Piccoli, M. Fiorani, B. Biagiarelli, F. Palma, L. Potenza, A. Amicucci, V. Stocchi. Simultaneous high-performance capillary electrophoretic determination of reduced and oxidized glutathione in red blood cells with a sensitivity at femtomole level. J. Chromatogr. 676, 239-246, 1994.

119. M. Fiorani, O. Cantoni, G. Piccoli, B. Biagiarelli, V. Stocchi. Cell density-dependent regulation of ATP levels during the growth cycle of cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. Biochem. and Molec.Biol.Intern.32,2,251-258, 1994.

120. L. Potenza, A. Amicucci, I. Rossi, F. Palma, R. De Bellis, P. Cardoni, V. Stocchi. Identification of Tuber Magnatum Pico DNA markers by RAPD analysis. Biotech. Techniques 8, 2, 93-98, 1994.

121. V. Stocchi, L. Potenza, A. Amicucci, I. Rossi. Identificazione della specie di Tuber Magnatum Pico mediante Analisi RAPD. Accademia Agraria, 1994.

122. G. Crescentini, V. Stocchi. Fast reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of nucleotides in red blood cells. J. Chrom. 290, 393-399, 1994.

123. G. Piccoli, M. Fiorani, B. Biagiarelli, F. Palma, L. Vallorani, R. De Bellis, V. Stocchi. High-performance capillary electrophoretic separation of proteins and peptides using a bonded hydrophilic phase capillary. Electrophoresis 16, 625-629, 1995.

124. P. Ceccaroli, M. Fiorani, M. Buffalini, G. Piccoli, B. Biagiarelli, V. Stocchi. Rabbit brain hexokinase: Evidence for the presence of two distinct molecular forms. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 37, 665-674, 1995

125. V. Stocchi, M. Fiorani, B. Biagiarelli, G. Piccoli, R. Saltarelli, F. Palma, L. Cucchiarini, M. Dachà. Mitochondria-bound hexokinase from rabbit reticulocytes is resistant to the inactivation induced by Fe(II)/ascorbate. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 35(5), 1133-1142, 1995.

126. P. Cardoni, L. Vallorani, L. Cucchiarini, M. Betti, C. Pierotti and V. Stocchi.
Biochemical characterization of various species of white truffle. A preliminary study.Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhizae Molecular Approaches. p. 185 Edited by Vilberto Stocchi, Paola Bonfante and Marco Nuti. 1995.

127. F. Palma, D. Agostini, P. Mason, M. Dachà, G. Piccoli, B. Biagiarelli, M. Fiorani, V. Stocchi. Purification and characterisation of the carboxyl-domain of human hexokinase type III expressed as fusion protein. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 155, 23-29, 1996.

128. Amicucci, I. Rossi, L. Potenza, A. Zambonelli, D. Agostini, F. Palma, V. Stocchi. identification of ectomycorrhizae from Tuber species by RFLP analysis of the ITS Region. Biotechnol. Lett.18, 821-826, 1996.

129. M. Fiorani, R. Saltarelli, R. De Sanctis, F. Palma, P. Ceccaroli, V. Stocchi. Role of dehydroascorbate in rabbit erythrocyte hexokinase inactivation induced by ascorbic acid/Fe (II). Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 334, 357-361, 1996.

130. M. Fiorani, R. De Sanctis, R. Saltarelli, V. Stocchi. Hexokinase inactivation induced by ascorbic acid/Fe(II) in rabbit erythrocytes is independent of glutathione-reductive processes and appears to be mediated by dehydroascorbic acid. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 342(2), 191-196, 1997.

131. M. Fiorani, B. Biagiarelli, F. Vetrano, G. Guidi, M. Dachà, V. Stocchi. In vitro effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on oxidatively damaged rabbit red blood cells. Bioelectromagnetics 18, 125-131, 1997.

132. A.Amicucci, I. Rossi, L. Potenza, D. Agostini, V. Stocchi. Use of sequence characterised amplified region and RAPD markers in the identification of the white truffle Tuber magnatum Pico. Biotechnol. Tech. 11, 149-154, 1997.

133. P. Ceccaroli, P. Cardoni, M. Buffalini, R. De Bellis, G. Piccoli, V. Stocchi. Separation of hexokinase activity using different hydrophobic interaction supports. J. Chromatography B 702, 41-48, 1997.

134. L. Vallorani, F. Palma, R. De Bellis, G. Piccoli, C. Sacconi, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic amino acid analysis of phosphoproteins electroblotted onto a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane using dimethylaminoazobenzene sulfonyl chloride as derivatizing reagent. Anal. Biochem. 258, 376-379, 1998.

135. F. Palma, L. Potenza, A. Amicucci, M. Fiorani, D. Labella, S. Di Biase, V. Stocchi. HPLC and analysis of PCR products: a comparative study. J. Liq. Chrom. & Rel. Technol. 21(10), 1527-1540, 1998.

136. A.Amicucci, A. Zambonelli, G. Giomaro, L. Potenza, V. Stocchi. Identification of ectomycorrhizal fungi of the genus Tuber by species-specific ITS primers. Mol. Ecol. 7, 273-277, 1998.

137. R. Saltarelli, P. Ceccaroli, L. Vallorani, A. Zambonelli, B. Citterio, M. Malatesta, V. Stocchi. Biochemical and morphological modifications during the growth of Tuber borchii mycelium. Mycol. Res. 102(4), 403-409, 1998.

138. L. Bertini, L. Potenza, A. Zambonelli, A. Amicucci, V. Stocchi. Restriction fragment length polymorphism species-specific patterns in the identification of white truffles. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 164, 397-401, 1998.

139. L. Bertini, D. Agostini, L. Potenza, I. Rossi, S. Zeppa, A. Zambonelli, V. Stocchi. Molecular markers for the identifiction of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber borchii. New Phytol. 139, 565-570, 1998.

140. M. Fiorani, R. De Sanctis, F. Scarlatti, V. Stocchi. Substrates of hexokinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase prevent the inhibitory response induced by ascorbic acid/iron and dehydroascorbic acid in rabbit erythrocytes. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 356(2), 159-166, 1998

141. F. Palma, L. Potenza, A. Amicucci, M. Fiorani, D. Labella, S. Di Biase, V. Stocchi. HPLC and CE analysis of PCR products: a comparative Study. J. Liq. Chrom. & Rel. Technol., vol. 21(10): 1527-1540, 1998.

142. L. Canesi, C. Ciacci, G. Piccoli, V. Stocchi, A. Viarengo, G. Gallo. In vitro and in vivo effects of heavy metals on mussel digestive gland hexokinase activity: the role of glutathione. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 120: 261-268, 1998.

143. R. De Bellis, D. Agostini, G. Piccoli, L. Vallorani, L. Potenza, E. Polidori, D. Sisti, A. Amoresano, P. Pucci, G. Arpaia, G. Macino, R. Balestrini, P. Bonfante, V. Stocchi. The tbf-1 Gene from the White truffle Tuber borchii Codes for a Structural Cell Wall Protein Specifically Expressed in Fruitbody. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 25: 87-99, 1998.

144. D. Sisti, A. Zambonelli, G. Giomaro, I. Rossi, P. Ceccaroli, B. Citterio, P. A. Benedetti, V. Stocchi. In vitro mycorrhizal synthesis of micropropagated Tilia platyphyllos Scop. plantlets with Tuber borchii Vittad. mycelium in pure culture. Acta Horticulturae. 457: 379-387, 1998.

145. L. Bertini, A. Amicucci, D. Agostini, E. Polidori, L. Potenza, C. Guidi, V. Stocchi. A new pair of primers for amplifications of the ITS region of Tuber species. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 173: 239-245, 1999.

146. I. Rossi, S. Zeppa, L. Potenza, D. Sisti, A. Zambonelli, V. Stocchi. Intraspecific polymorphisms among Tuber borchii Vittad. mycelial strains. Symbiosis. 26: 313-325, 1999

147. C. Di Battista, A. Amicucci, C. Guidi, L. Bertini, D. Sisti, V. Stocchi. A rapid mini-prep method for isolation of ectomycorrhizal DNA from Tuber species. Biotechnol. Techn. 13: 331-335, 1999.

148. R. Saltarelli, P. Ceccaroli, P. Cesari, S. Zeppa, L. Potenza, V. Stocchi. Strain differences in the mycelium of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber borchii. Mycol. Res. 103 (12), 1524-1528, 1999.

149. P. Menghinello, L. Cucchiarini, F. Palma, D. Agostini M. Dachà, V. Stocchi. Simultaneous analysis of flavonoid aglycones in natural products using an RP-HPLC method. J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Related Technologies, 22 (19), 3007-3018,1999.

150. C.Ceccaroli, R.Saltarelli, M.Buffalini, G.Piccoli, V.Stocchi. Three different forms of hexokinase are identified during Tuber borchii mycelium growth. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (194), 71-77, 1999.

151. P. Laurent, C. Voiblet, D. Tagu, D. de Carvalho, U. Nehls, R. De Bellis, R. Balestrini, G. Bauw, P. Bonfante, F. Martin. A novel class of ectomycorrhiza-regulated cell wall polypeptides in Pisolithus tinctorius. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction, 12 (10): 862-871, 1999.

152. N.Kolb, L. Vallorani V. Stocchi. Chemical composition and evaluation of protein quality by amino acid score method of edible brown marine algae Arame (Eisenia Bicyclis) and Hijiki (Hijikia Fusiforme). Acta Alimentaria vol.28 (3) 1999.

153. V. Stocchi, R. De Bellis, L. Potenza, S. Zeppa, F. Bernardini, L. Vallorani, R. Saltarelli, G. Piccoli, D. Agostini. The Truffle Life Cycle: a Biochemical and Molecular Characterization. In: Current Advances in Mycorrhizae Research (G. K. Podila and D. Douds eds, APS Press, St. Paul, MN USA), 101-110, 2000.

154. I. Rossi, L. Bertini, L. Potenza, B. Bartolacci, E. Barbieri, V. Stocchi. Identification of white truffle species using RAPD markers. Plant and Soil. 219: 127-133, 2000.

155. E. Barbieri, L. Potenza, I. Rossi, D. Sisti, G. Giomaro, S. Rossetti, C. Beimfohr, V. Stocchi. Phylogenetic characterization and in situ detection of a Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides bacterium in Tuber borchii Vittad. Ectomycorrhizal Mycelium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (66) 11: xx-xx, 2000.

156. D. Agostini, R. De Bellis, E. Polidori, G. Piccoli, F. Palma, V. Stocchi. Identification, purification and gene cloning of a protein from Tuber dryophilum fruitbody homologous to TBF-1 protein. Mycol. Res. 104 (5) 533-536, 2000.

157. S. Zeppa, M. Guescini, L. Potenza, D. Agostini, E. Polidori, V. Stocchi. Analysis of gene expression in the vegetative and fructification phases of the white truffle, Tuber borchii Vittad., by mRNA differential display. Biotech. Lett. 22: 307-312, 2000.

158. M. Fiorani, R. De Sanctis, F. Scarlatti, L. Vallorani, R. De Bellis, G. Serafini, M. Bianchi, V. Stocchi. Dehidroascorbic acid irreversibly inhibits hexokinase activity. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 209: 145-153, 2000.

159. L. Vallorani, F. Bernardini, C. Sacconi, R. Pierleoni, B. Pieretti, G. Piccoli, M. Buffalini, V. Stocchi. Identification of Tuber borchii Vittad. mycelium proteins separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel elexctrophoresis using amino acid analysis and sequence tagging. Electrophoresis, 21: 3710-3716, 2000.

160. A. Amicucci, C. Guidi, A. Zambonelli, L. Potenza, V. Stocchi. Multiplex PCR for the identification of white Tuber species. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 189: 265-269, 2000.

161. S. Zeppa, L. Vallorani, L. Potenza, F. Bernardini, B. Pieretti, M. Guescini, G. Giomaro, V. Stocchi. Estimation of fungal biomass and trascript levels in Tilia platyphyllos-Tuber borchii ectomycorrhizae. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 188(2): 119-124, 2000.

162. B. Citterio, M. Malatesta, S. Battistelli, F. Marcheggiani, W. Baffone, R. Saltarelli, V. Stocchi, G. Gazzanelli. Possible involvement of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillaceae in strctural modifications of Tuber borchii fruit body. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 47 (3), 264-268, 2001.

163. D. Tagu, R. De Bellis, R. Balestrini, O.M.H. de Vries, G. Piccoli, V. Stocchi, P. Bonfante, F. Martin. Immuno-localization of hydrophobin HYDPt-1 from the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Pisolithus tinctorius during colonization of Eucaliptus globubus roots. New Phytol., 149, 127-135, 2001.

164. D. Agostini, E. Polidori, R. De Bellis, G. Piccoli, F. Palma, L. Potenza, V. Stocchi. Tbf-1 and hxk-1: cloning and characterization of two genes from Tuber borchii Vittad. Proceeding: Vth International Congress Science and Cultivation of Truffle, 4-6 Mars 1999 Aix-en-Provence (France), pp. 43 2001.

165. P. Cesari, S. Zeppa, P. Ceccaroli, L. Potenza, R. Saltarelli, P. Ciarmela, M. Guescini, V. Stocchi. Intraspecific variability in four mycelium strains of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber borchii. Proceeding: Vth International Congress Science and Cultivation of Truffle, 4-6 Mars 1999 Aix-en-Provence (France), pp. 57, 2001.

166. L. Bertini, A. Amicucci, D. Agostini, E. Polidori, L. Potenza, C. Guidi, V. Stocchi. Enhanced amplification of ITS region for the identification of Tuber species. Proceeding: Vth International Congress Science and Cultivation of Truffle, 4-6 Mars 1999, Aix-en-Provence (France), pp. 51 2001.

167. E. Barbieri, L. Potenza, I. Rossi, G. Giomaro, D. Sisti, V. Stocchi. Novel endophitic bacteria associated within Tuber borchii Vittad. Proceeding: Vth International Congress Science and Cultivation of Truffle, 4-6 Mars 1999 Aix-en-Provence (France), pp. 54, 2001.

168. Amicucci, C. Guidi, L. Bertini, M. Menotta, L. Potenza, I. Rossi, V. Stocchi Identification of white Tuber species by molecular methods. Proceeding: Vth International Congress Science and Cultivation of Truffle, 4-6 Mars 1999 Aix-en-Provence (France), pp. 47, 2001.

169. P. Ceccaroli, R. Saltarelli, P. Cesari, A. Zambonelli, Vilberto Stocchi. Effects of different carbohydrate sources on the growth of Tuber borchii Vittad. mycelium strains in pure culture. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 218, 65-70, 2001.

170. A. Amicucci, A. Zambonelli, C. Guidi, V. Stocchi. Morphological and molecula characterisation of Pulvinula constellatio ectomycorrhizae. FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 194, 121-125, 2001.

171. F. Palma, S. Longhi, D. Agostini, V. Stocchi. One-step purification of a fully active hexahistidine-tagged human hexokinase type I overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification, 22: 38-44, 2001.

172. D. Agostini, E. Polidori, F. Palma, P. Ceccaroli, R. Saltarelli, D. Tonelli, V. Stocchi. Cloning, expression and charatterization of the hxk-1 gene from the white truffle Tuber borchii Vittad.: a first step towards understanding sugar metabolism. Fungal Genetic and Biology 33: 15-23, 2001.

173. S. Zeppa, L. Potenza, E. Polidori, M. Guescini, D. Agostini, G. Giomaro V. Stocchi. Cloning and characterisation of a polyubiquitin from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber borchii Vittad. Current Genetics 40: 49-53, 2001.

174. E. Barbieri, L. Potenza, V. Stocchi. Molecular characterization of cellulosolytic-chitinolytic bacteria associated with fruitbodies of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber borchii Vittad. Symbiosis, 30:123-139, 2001.

175. R. Pierleoni, L. Vallorani, C. Sacconi, D. Sisti, G. Giomaro, V. Stocchi. Evaluation of the enzymes involved in primary nitrogen metabolism in Tilia platyphyllos-Tuber borchii ectomycorrhizae. Plant Physiol. Biochem, 39: 1111-1114, 2001.

176. P.Ciarmela, L. Potenza, L. Cucchiarini, S. Zeppa, V. Stocchi. PCR amplification and polymorphism analysis of the intergenic spacer region of ribosomal DNA in Tuber borchii. Microbiol. Res. 157: 69-74, 2002.

177. P.Ciarmela, L. Potenza, , S. Zeppa, L. Cucchiarini, V. Stocchi. Structural analysis of the rDNA intergenic spacer of Tuber borchii. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 19 (4): 701-708, 2002.

178. A.Amicucci, C. Guidi, L. Potenza, V. Stocchi. Microsatellite primed-PCR to select molecular markers for Tuber species. Biotechnology Letters, 24 (4): 263-267, 2002.

179. A.Amicucci, C. Guidi, A. Zambonelli, L. Potenza, V. Stocchi. Molecular approaches for the detection of truffle species in processed food products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82: 1391-1397, 2002.

180. E. Polidori, D. Agostini, S. Zeppa, L. Potenza, F. Palma, D. Sisti and V. Stocchi. Identification of differentially expressed cDNA clones from Tilia platyphyllos-Tuber borchii ectomycorrhizae using a differential screening approach. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 266: 858-864, 2002.

181. M. Iotti, A. Amicucci, V. Stocchi, A. Zambonelli. Morphological and molecular characterisation of mycelia from different Tuber species in pure cultures. New Phytologist, 155: 499-505, 2002

182. L. Vallorani, E. Polidori, C. Sacconi, D. Agostini, R. Pierleoni, G. Piccoli, S. Zeppa, V. Stocchi. Biochemical and molecular characterization of NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber borchii. New Phytologist 154: 779-790, 2002.

183. F. Palma, D. Agostini, E. Polidori, V. Stocchi. The overexpressed hexaistidine-tagged human hexokinase type III is inhibited by glucose. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 32 (4): 393-403, 2002.

184. A.M. Gioacchini, M. Menotta, E. Polidori, G. Giomaro and V. Stocchi. Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography/Ion trap Mass Spectometry and multistage mass spectometry experiments in the characterization of germacrene D. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 37 (12): 1229-35, 2002.

185. A. Amicucci, L. Potenza, C. Guidi, I. Rossi, L. Bertini, A. Zambonelli, V. Stocchi (2002). Molecular techniques in the study of edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. In: Edible mycorrhizal mushrooms Proceedings of 2nd international workshop on edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. (Hall I, Wang Yun, Danell E., Zambonelli A. eds), 2002.

186. I. Rossi, L. Bertini, A. Amicucci, M. Cecchini, G. Gregari, A. Sacchi, A. Zambonelli, and V. Stocchi. Study of a natural Tuber magnatum Pico truffière in central Italy. In: Edible mycorrhizal mushrooms Proceedings of 2nd international workshop on edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. (Hall I, Wang Yun, Danell E., Zambonelli A. eds), 2002.

187. G. Giomaro, D. Sisti, A. Zambonelli, A. Amicucci, M. Cecchini, V. Stocchi. Comparative studies and molecular characterisation of ectomycorrhizae in Tilia americana and Quercus pubescens with Tuber brumale (2002). FEMS Microbiology Letters 216: 9-14.

188. A.Amicucci, L. Potenza, C. Guidi, I. Rossi, L. Bertini, A. Zambonelli, V. Stocchi. Molecular techniques in the study of edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. In: Edible mycorrhizal mushrooms Proceedings of 2nd international workshop on edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. (Hall I, Wang Yun, Danell E., Zambonelli A. eds), 2002.

189. S.Zeppa, C. Guidi, A. Zambonelli, L. Potenza, L.Vallorani, R. Pierleoni, C. Sacconi and V. Stocchi (2002) Identification of putative genes involved in the development of Tuber borchii fruit body by mRNA Differential Display in agarose gel. Current Genetics, 42(3):161-8, 2002.

190. R. Saltarelli, P. Ceccaroli, E. Polidori, B. Citterio, L. Vallorani, D. Agostini, and V. Stocchi. (2003) A high concentration of glucose inhibits Tuber borchii mycelium growth: a biochemical investigation. Mycological Research, 107(1): 72-76.

191. P.Ceccaroli, R.Saltarelli, P. Cesari, R. Pierleoni, C. Sacconi, L. Vallorani, P.Rubini, V.Stocchi and F. Martin (2003) Carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism in Tuber borchii during glucose utilization. A 13 C NMR study. Fungal Genetics and Biology 39: 168-175

192. Guescini M, Pierleoni R, Palma F, Zeppa S, Vallorani L, Potenza L, Sacconi C, Giomaro G, Stocchi V. (2003) Characterization of the Tuber borchii nitrate reductase gene and its role in ectomycorrhizae.Mol Genet Genomics 269: 807-816

193. C. Guidi, S. Zeppa, E. Barbieri, A. Zambonelli, E. Polidori, L. Potenza and V. Stocchi (2003). A putative mitochondrial fission gene from the ectomycorrhizal ascomicete Tuber borchii Vittad.: cloning, characterization and phylogeny. Current genetics, in press. | Home |